God's Christmas Names

By Dr. Ron Jones
What’s in a name? More than we know if it’s God’s name. In the Bible, God reveals Himself to us by many divine names, most notably... read more

God's Messengers in the Nativity

By Dr. Ron Jones
In Frank Capra’s Christmas movie classic called It’s A Wonderful Life, Henry Travers plays a guardian angel named Clarence who still... read more

Whatever Happened to Peace On Earth?

By Dr. Ron Jones
A Swedish industrialist and inventor named Alfred Nobel made provision in his will for a peace prize. It's given each year to the world... read more

Joy to the World

By Dr. Ron Jones
Joy to the World is the most published Christmas hymn in North America. But it was not originally written as a Christmas hymn. In 1719, an... read more

God So Loved

By Dr. Ron Jones
The gifts of Christmas include God’s love, joy, peace, and hope. What can we say about God’s Christmas love? ... read more

The Gifts of Christmas

By Dr. Ron Jones
Wrap your thoughts around four gifts God gives to us at Christmas, each uniquely expressed at the time of Jesus’s birth. I’m talking... read more

Now Entering the Mission Field

By Dr. Ron Jones
We are missionaries making missionaries who go on mission for Jesus. That’s how one of my friends in ministry summarizes the Great... read more

The Great Commission

By Dr. Ron Jones
What’s so great about the Great Commission? And what does it have to do with your life on mission? Jesus said, “Go, therefore, into all... read more

Jesus Is Greater Than Anything

By Dr. Ron Jones
The list of Paul’s friends and ministry companions in Colossians 4 is a reminder that Jesus is greater than. For example, He is greater... read more

We Are Not Alone

By Dr. Ron Jones
The list of Paul’s friends and ministry companions in Colossians 4 is quite impressive. Tychicus, Onesimus, Aristarchus, Mark, Barnabas,... read more

The Marriage Dance

By Dr. Ron Jones
I’m no Fred Astaire or Michael Jackson, but I’m aware there are many styles of dancing that include ballet, ballroom, jazz, hip-hop,... read more

A Gospel Marriage

By Dr. Ron Jones
Your marriage is not primarily about you and your happiness. Sorry to bust your bubble, but your marriage is first a gospel presentation.... read more
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“Every detail in our lives of love for God is worked into something good.”

Romans 8:28 MSG