Something Good Radio (est. 2011) is a daily broadcast featuring the ministry of Dr. Ron Jones, lead pastor of Atlantic Shores Baptist Church in Virginia Beach, VA. If you are looking for Bible teaching for everyday life and wisdom from above, you are in the right place. Check back daily for new programs, or subscribe to our podcast on iTunes, Spotify, iHeart Radio, Stitcher, TuneIn, Google Home, Google Podcasts, Breaker, Pocket Casts, Radio Public, Anchor, and Alexa.

Daily Broadcasts

The Book of Daniel 7-12: Mysteries of Babylon

The End of Wonders, Part 2

Today, we come to the conclusion of Ron’s teaching series, “Mysteries of Babylon.” As he wraps up this group of messages, he takes us to the one thousand year reign of Christ on Earth, and offers some perspective on how we as believers in Christ should live in light of the future second coming of Christ. 

About this series:

The Book of Daniel 7-12: Mysteries of Babylon

More than 2,500 years ago in ancient Babylon, God gifted a man to understand the future through dreams and visions so that he could foresee all the way to the end of the age. Daniel 7-12 contains the record of what he saw. In Mysteries of Babylon, Dr. Ron Jones unveils these Bible prophecies in a way that helps us understand the present world in which we live and prepares us for the return of Jesus Christ.

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Ron Jones Headshot
The Jesus Way to Pray: An Intimate Journey Through the Lord's Prayer

Special Offer

Do you have a passion to pray? Would you like to learn how to pray with zeal from Someone who mastered the art of divine communication? The disciples asked Jesus, “Lord, teach us to pray,” and He gave them a model for prayer that even a child can learn. In The Jesus Way to Pray, Dr. Ron Jones, a seasoned pastor and radio Bible teacher, invites readers of any age on an intimate journey through the Lord’s Prayer, exploring its power and beauty phrase by phrase.


“Every detail in our lives of love for God is worked into something good.”

Romans 8:28 MSG