The list of Paul’s friends and ministry companions in Colossians 4 is a reminder that Jesus is greater than. For example, He is greater than ethnic tensions, evidenced by the Jews and Gentiles that were part of Paul’s ministry team. 

Jesus is greater than the failures of your past. Just ask Onesimus, the runaway slave, and John Mark who once quit the ministry. Jesus is also greater than the pleasures of this life. Consider Demas who deserted Paul having loved this present world. 

Finally, Jesus is greater than the sufferings you experience as one of His disciples. “Remember my chains,” Paul said as he closed his letter to the Colossians. Jesus is greater than anything you are presently facing.


robert payton says:
You are so right nothing is greater than him period.
Microsoft Project says:
The blog "Jesus is Greater than Anything" is a comforting reminder of faith's power in navigating life’s challenges. It’s an inspiring read that encourages reflection and trust in greater truths. Also Check Microsoft Planner vs Project

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“Every detail in our lives of love for God is worked into something good.”

Romans 8:28 MSG