Packing Truth into Prayer

By Dr. Ron Jones
When the apostle Paul prayed for the believers at the Colossian church, he reminded them that God had delivered them from darkness to... read more

How to Pray for Others

By Dr. Ron Jones
The apostle Paul did not know the people in the Colossian church personally, but that did not stop him from praying for them specifically.... read more

The Fruit of the Gospel in You

By Dr. Ron Jones
The words “faith,” “hope,” and “love” form an important theological triad in the New Testament. They appear in Paul’s letters... read more

Jesus Is Greater Than

By Dr. Ron Jones
Consider the following math symbols: plus (+), minus (-), equals (=), less than (). One of these is not like the other if you also think... read more

The Valley of Dry Bones

By Dr. Ron Jones
The most compelling picture of Israel’s future national restoration is a prophecy envisioned by Ezekiel about a valley of dry bones... read more

What Jesus Said About Hell

By Dr. Ron Jones
Hell is a real place of unimaginable pain and suffering. I say that without any glee in my heart and while simply resting on the full... read more

Hell and Unbearable Regret

By Dr. Ron Jones
Bruxism describes the act of grinding, gnashing, or clenching your teeth. Severe bruxism is brought on by emotional trauma, anxiety,... read more

Imagine There's No Afterlife

By Dr. Ron Jones
Singer and songwriter John Lennon wants us to “imagine there is no heaven.” He says, “It’s easy if you try. No hell below us. Above... read more

Heaven is a Beautiful Place

By Dr. Ron Jones
Heaven is a beautiful place—as beautiful as a bride is glorious on her wedding day. At present we see beauty imperfectly, through fuzzy... read more

Things Above

By Dr. Ron Jones
I often hear people talk about their “little slice of heaven on earth.” Usually, they’re referring to a place they bought at the lake... read more

The New World

By Dr. Ron Jones
Revelation chapters 21 and 22 describe heaven as a beautiful city in splendid detail. The holy city has walls, gates, foundations, streets,... read more

Heaven is a Real Place

By Dr. Ron Jones
If you had less than twenty-four hours to live, what would you say to the people you love? How would you say farewell? On the night before... read more
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“Every detail in our lives of love for God is worked into something good.”

Romans 8:28 MSG