What is our role in healing and deliverance?

By Dr. Ron Jones
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What does approaching God in humility look like?

By Dr. Ron Jones
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When Jesus turned water into wine, was it real wine or grape juice?

By Dr. Ron Jones
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Beyond the Veil

By Dr. Ron Jones
When Jesus died on the cross, the Bible says “at that moment the curtain of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom. The earth... read more

The Lost Ark

By Dr. Ron Jones
Some people’s only knowledge about the Ark of the Covenant comes from a Hollywood movie about a renowned archeologist named Indiana... read more

Pray Without Ceasing

By Dr. Ron Jones
On the night before He was crucified, Jesus voiced a powerful high priestly prayer in the upper room with and for His disciples (John 17).... read more

Sweet Aroma of Prayer

By Dr. Ron Jones
Inside the holy place of the Old Testament tabernacle was a small altar where the priest would burn incense that was holy unto the Lord... read more

What spiritual lessons can we learn from the table of showbread?

By Dr. Ron Jones
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How does the golden lampstand point to Jesus?

By Dr. Ron Jones
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How can we learn to pray?

By Dr. Ron Jones
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Bread for Everyday Life

By Dr. Ron Jones
Walk into any grocery story and you’ll find shelves full of bread. Wheat bread, white bread, whole grain bread, rye bread, corn bread,... read more

The Table of Showbread

By Dr. Ron Jones
Inside the holy place of the Old Testament tabernacle is a small table made of pure gold with twelve loaves of bread in two stacks. On the... read more
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“Every detail in our lives of love for God is worked into something good.”

Romans 8:28 MSG