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Putting On the Breastplate of Righteousness, Part 2

It’s one thing to know who you are. But do you know who you are in Christ? Well, sometimes we believe what others think about us, or maybe what we think about ourselves. But rather than buy into what people think, how about believing what God says.  Today’s message is straight ahead.  

Putting On the Breastplate of Righteousness, Part 1

The day is coming when Satan will be overthrown once and for all. But for now, he is the prince of this world, continually accusing believers in Christ of being undeserving of God’s mercy. Today, on Something Good, Dr. Ron Jones tells us how to combat our adversary, the accuser. Stay with us now as he continues his teaching series, “Armored: Dressed For Victory In Spiritual Warfare,” 

Putting On the Belt of Truth, Part 2

Jesus had this to say about our adversary, the devil. “When he lies, he speaks from his own character, for he is a liar and the father of lies.” Well, how do we combat the lies of the enemy? We start by putting on the belt of truth. Ron dives into the subject next, as he continues his teaching series, “Armored: Dressed For Victory In Spiritual Warfare.” 

Putting On the Belt of Truth, Part 1

There are tool belts, fan belts and weightlifting belts. There’s even a Bible belt. But on today’s Something Good with Dr. Ron Jones, you’ll hear about a different kind of belt, the belt of truth. When you read about the armor of God in Ephesians chapter six, the very first piece of armor is the belt of truth. How can this piece of battle gear help you in your invisible war with Satan? Find out next, as Ron continues his teaching series, “Armored: Dressed for Victory In Spiritual Warfare.” 

Unmasking the Schemes of the Devil, Part 2

How can you tell when Satan has invaded your life? He’ll bring deception, he’ll bring doubt, he’ll bring division, and he’ll bring discouragement. Are you discouraged today? If so, the devil is the one who brought it to you. Ron shows you how to deal with this scheme of Satan next, as he continues his teaching series, “Armored: Dressed For Victory in Spiritual Warfare.” 

Unmasking the Schemes of the Devil, Part 1

The first step to winning any war is knowing you’re in one. The second step, know your enemy. One of the problems with your adversary, the devil, is that he doesn’t want to be known. He lurks in the shadows, and when he does come out, he masks himself as an angel of light. But whether he wants to be known or not, we can know him. Dr. Ron Jones tells you how today right here on Something Good, as he continues his teaching series, “Armored: Dressed for Victory in Spiritual Warfare.”  

The Invisible War, Part 2

If God is for us, who can be against us? That’s Romans eight, thirty-one, and this is Something Good. Well, that’s a rhetorical question. If God is for us, and He is, then no one can be against us. But that doesn’t stop the Devil from trying everything he can to steal, kill and destroy.  

The Invisible War, Part 1

It’s been said that the greatest trick the devil ever played was convincing the world he didn’t exist. The problem is, he does exist. He’s invisible, but very real, and his sole purpose is to destroy your relationship with God. How can we overcome his tactics and find victory? Answers come your way next on Something Good, as Dr. Ron Jones kicks off his teaching series, “Armored: Dressed for Victory in Spiritual Warfare.” 

Resolving the Stewardship of Your Treasure, Part 2

Have you ever wondered where the concept of tithing began? Contrary to what you may have heard, it came along well before the Old Testament Law. Today, Ron wraps up his teaching series, “I Resolve,” by reminding us that when God asks us to tithe, He’s not wanting something from us; He’s wanting something for us. 

Resolving the Stewardship of Your Treasure, Part 1

Did you know that the Bible talks more about money than it talks about prayer or about faith? It’s true. There’s a reason why God spends so much time talking to us about the way we view and use money. Today, Ron takes a deep dive into subject as he continues his teaching series, “I Resolve.” 

Resolving the Stewardship of Your Talent, Part 2

Do you know what your spiritual gifts are? Maybe the place to start is by learning a little bit about each of them. God’s Word divides the spiritual gifts into three distinct groups, sign gifts, supporting gifts, and serving gifts. Ron takes a look at all three today as he moves ahead in his teaching series, “I Resolve.”   

Resolving the Stewardship of Your Talent, Part 1

You may have already made a few New Year’s resolutions. But were they promises about what you’ve decided to do or predictions about what you hope to do? The word “resolve” means to come to a definite or earnest decision about something. Today, Ron encourages us to resolve to become better stewards of one of the three key areas of our lives, our talent. Stay with us now as Ron continues his teaching series, “I Resolve."

Resolving the Stewardship of Your Time, Part 2

We often think of time as something we spend. But the Bible tells us that it is something we first have to buy back. So how do we go about the process of buying back our time? The answer comes your way next, as Ron shares five biblical ways to redeem your time. Stay with us now as Ron moves ahead in his series, “I Resolve.” 

Resolving the Stewardship of Your Time, Part 1

Made any New Year’s Resolutions for twenty-twenty-five? Well, being resolved is one thing, staying resolved is quite another. We sometimes start off doing really well, but when frustration or complacency set in, we may stop being as diligent as we need to be. Today, Ron wants to encourage you make a specific life change, and he wants to help you make it a permanent one.