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The End of Wonders, Part 2

Today, we come to the conclusion of Ron’s teaching series, “Mysteries of Babylon.” As he wraps up this group of messages, he takes us to the one thousand year reign of Christ on Earth, and offers some perspective on how we as believers in Christ should live in light of the future second coming of Christ. 

The End of Wonders, Part 1

The book of Daniel has always been beautifully prophetic. The Bible tells us that no one knows the day or the hour when Jesus will return. But it does reveal some of the signs of the end of the age, and today we see many of them coming to pass right before our eyes. Stay with us now as Ron takes us to Daniel chapter 12 to talk about one of the most fascinating prophecies in all of Scripture.  

Antichrist, Armageddon, and the Fate of the Jewish People, Part 2

Well, how much do you know about the Battle of Armageddon? What about the coming antichrist, who will one day wield great political, financial and religious power? Much of what you need to know is found in Daniel chapter eleven, which is where Ron takes us today in his continuing series, “Mysteries of Babylon: How the Prophecies of Daniel Prepare Us for the Return of Jesus Christ.”  

Antichrist, Armageddon, and the Fate of the Jewish People, Part 1

So let me ask you … are you a naturalist, or a super-naturalist? If you’re not quite sure, join Ron for the next twenty minutes or so as he takes us to Daniel chapter eleven, and to one of the most amazing prophecies in all of Scripture.  

Warfare in the Heavenly Realms, Part 2

You may think you have enemies, but when you get right down to it, you really only have one. Well, believe it or not, the people who don’t like you are not the enemy. Neither are terrorists, corrupt politicians or serial killers. We all have one enemy, and his name is Satan. Today, Ron takes us to Daniel chapter ten to remind us that our battle is not against flesh and blood, but against the unseen forces of evil in the spiritual realm.  

Warfare in the Heavenly Realms, Part 1

The prophet Daniel recorded four visions in the Old Testament book that bears his name. Today, we’ll explore number four. So let me ask you, do you believe in the devil and his demons? Many people don’t. But Jesus did. So did the prophet Daniel. Today, Ron takes us to Daniel chapter ten to share Daniel’s vision about a war in the spiritual realm.  

The Future of the Nation of Israel, Part 2

Much of God’s prophecy about the nation of Israel has already come to pass. But some of it is yet to come. Today Ron takes us to Daniel chapter nine to unveil biblical prophecies that have yet to take place. Stay with us now for what promises to be an eye-opening message, as Ron continues his teaching series, “Mysteries of Babylon: How the Prophecies of Daniel Prepare Us for the Return of Jesus Christ.”  

The Future of the Nation of Israel, Part 1

Almost every day, the nation of Israel is in the news. Have you ever wondered why? Another day, another news story about trouble in the Middle East. Let’s go behind the headlines, behind the columns and television segments brought to us by the mainstream media, to find out why the nation of Israel is and will continue to be so prominent. That’s where Ron takes us next, as he continues his teaching series, “Mysteries of Babylon: How the Prophecies of Daniel Prepare Us for the Return of Jesus Christ.”  

The Power of Prayer and Prophecy, Part 2

What does it take to have a strong prayer life? Find out next, on today’s edition of something good with Dr. Ron Jones. Well, prayer is perhaps our most powerful spiritual weapon, one that many believers in Christ don’t use often enough. Today, Ron gives us three keys to having a successful prayer life, as he continues his teaching series, “Mysteries of Babylon: How the Prophecies of Daniel Prepare Us for the Return of Jesus Christ.”  

The Power of Prayer and Prophecy, Part 1

Believe it or not, prayer and prophecy are inextricably linked. Today, Ron takes us to the book of Daniel to show us why prayer and prophecy are so critical to the life of a believer in Christ, and how the two go hand in hand. Stay with us now as Ron continues his series, “Mysteries of Babylon: How the Prophecies of Daniel Prepare Us for the Return of Jesus Christ.”

The Time of the End: From Antiochus to Antichrist, Part 2

In the last days of planet Earth, times will grow increasingly dark. Moral depravity on a grand scale. Hatred of God and Israel, persecution of the followers of Christ. What should be our response to a message like this? Answers come your way next, as Ron continues his teaching series, “Mysteries of Babylon.”  

The Time of the End: From Antiochus to Antichrist, Part 1

A ram, a goat, and two little horns, on this Monday edition of Something Good. Daniel was a man of visions, Divine visions in which God revealed the future to him so that he could share it with all who had ears to hear. Today, Ron takes us to Daniel chapter 8 to reveal the significance of the ram, the goat and the two little horns, and the impact they will one day have on the nation of Israel.  

What God Knows About Future World History, Part 2

Centuries before the Roman Empire rose to prominence, God had already prophesied its eventual fall. But the day is coming when it will rise again. Today, Ron takes us to Daniel chapter seven, and to one of the most fascinating prophecies in the Bible. It concerns the rise of a revived Roman Empire and the man who will ultimately lead it, the Antichrist.  

What God Knows About Future World History, Part 1

Today, Ron launches his brand new teaching series, “Mysteries of Babylon.” We begin in the seventh chapter of Daniel, one of the most fascinating prophetic books in all of Scripture. Some of what Daniel prophesied has already taken place, but much of it hasn’t. So, today, let’s talk about tomorrow.