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Inside the Lion's Den, Part 2

God will tame the beast. But first, He might need to calm the beast in you. Well, fear and anxiety can often overtake us like a beast. And when they do, they can swallow up our faith. Today, in the conclusion of his teaching series, Standing Strong, Ron highlights the faith of Daniel, and encourages us to demonstrate that kind of faith when we find ourselves inside the proverbial lion’s den.  

Inside the Lion's Den, Part 1

What does it take to be a good role model? Today, Ron takes us to chapter six of the book of Daniel, a man who found so much favor with God that he rose to prominence in a godless culture. Along the way, Ron shares four essential qualities that every good role model should have.  

The Man Who Could Not Be Bought, Part 2

Where will America be in the last days of planet Earth? Answers come your way next, on this Monday edition of Something Good. Well, America is becoming a more godless culture by the day, which begs the question: What will happen to the United States? Does it play a role in Bible prophecy, and if so, what is that role? Ron offers his insight today as he continues his teaching series, “Standing Strong.”  

The Man Who Could Not Be Bought, Part 1

Today, Ron takes us to a party, and what a party it was. It was thrown by the King of Babylon, and it was marked by drunkenness, sacrilege and an absence of moral restraint. It’s all part of Ron’s continuing series from Daniel, “Standing Strong,” and it starts right now.

Heaven Rules, Part 2

I’m sure you’ve heard the expression, “rules were meant to be broken.” Don’t believe it. Well, we may sometimes break God’s rules, but the one thing we can count on is that He never breaks His own. Today, Ron shares two unbreakable rules of God as he continues his teaching series, “Standing Strong.”

Heaven Rules, Part 1

God opposes the proud, but He gives grace to the humble. We serve a merciful, patient and loving God, a Father who always gives us ample time to repent. But when pride persists, a fall is inevitable. Today’s message is straight ahead. Stay with us now as Ron continues his series, “Standing Strong.”

Turning Up the Heat, Part 2

Today, Ron takes us once again to Daniel chapter three, and to one of the most extraordinary stories in the Bible.

Turning Up the Heat, Part 1

When life turns up the heat, does your faith grow cold? Whether it’s pressure from your peers or hostile threats from your enemies, your faith can be challenged when the pressure is on. How will you respond? Today, Ron takes us to Daniel chapter three, and to a familiar story that will show us what faith under fire should look like.

A Look Back at the Future, Part 2

Centuries before the Roman Empire rose to prominence, God had already prophesied its eventual fall. Today, Ron takes us to Daniel chapter two, and to one of the most fascinating prophecies in the Bible. To the Babylonians, this was a future event. To you and me, it’s history. It’s a sobering reminder of God’s authority and sovereignty, and it comes your way next.  

A Look Back at the Future, Part 1

Today, Ron takes us to Daniel chapter two, and to a critical moment in the life of both Daniel and the Babylonian empire. It’s a story about a dream, but more importantly, the interpretation of that dream, and the power of God to reveal the future to whomever He chooses. The series from Daniel 1-6 is called, “Standing Strong.” 

Character Under Pressure, Part 2

How can you show character under pressure? Find out next, on this Tuesday edition of Something Good. Well, Daniel was a man of high character, and it was put to the test by the King of Babylon. Today,, from Daniel chapter 2, we’ll find out how he responded, as Dr. Ron Jones as he continues his teaching series, “Standing Strong.”   

Character Under Pressure, Part 1

When enemies come against you or try to harm you, their actions reveal their character. They can also reveal your own. Well, it’s hard to get a good read on someone’s character until they face adversity. That’s when our true character is revealed. Today, Ron takes a look at what genuine, godly character looks like. 

Standing Strong in a Godless Culture, Part 2

During the time of Daniel the prophet, ancient Babylon was a depraved and godless culture. Not all that much different from our own. Sad words, but true words. America is becoming more godless by the day, more opposed to Jesus and His followers than ever before. How do we stand strong in the face of such great opposition? Answers come your way next, as Ron continues his teaching series, “Standing Strong,” based on Daniel 1-6.  

Standing Strong in a Godless Culture, Part 1

How can you be in the world but not of it? Well, you’ve joined us at the perfect time because today Ron begins his teaching series, “Standing Strong" from the book of Daniel. As believers in Christ, we’re called to be a light in an ever-darkening culture, to impact the world for Christ without conforming to the world’s image. Finding out how to do that is what this series is all about.