Christmas Day
Christmas Day
December 25, 2019
Scripture Reading
John 1:1-14
Happy Birthday, Jesus!
By Dr. Ron Jones
Friends of ours in Texas throw a birthday party for Jesus every year. They rent out a skating rink and invite as many families as they can. It's their way of celebrating the arrival of grace and truth.
Grace and truth. The Bible says Jesus was full of both (John 1:14). Grace is God giving us something good when we deserve something bad, and truth is the revelation of reality.
The perfect combination of grace and truth is what makes Jesus so beautiful and his life so compelling. It's also what makes Christmas so glorious. Jesus tells us the truth about ourselves but always does so with generous love.
So, happy birthday, Jesus, and Merry Christmas to all.
Reflection Question
What truth do you need to receive from Jesus by faith this Christmas? How have you experienced His grace?