This Present Darkness

By Dr. Ron Jones
Frank Peretti became a best-selling author and a household name in the late 1980s when he published a Christian novel called This Present... read more

Dressed for Victory

By Dr. Ron Jones
“Put on the whole armor of God that you may be able to stand against the schemes of the devil” (Ephesians 6:11). The apostle Paul wrote... read more

Honest Expressions of the Soul

By Dr. Ron Jones
The word “soul” appears in the Psalms more than any other book in the Bible. Because every emotion known to humanity also appears in... read more

Put Your Hope in God

By Dr. Ron Jones
“Why are you cast down, O my soul, and why are you in turmoil within me? Hope in God; for I shall again praise him, my salvation and my... read more

The Emotionally Healthy Jesus

By Dr. Ron Jones
We cannot live and love from a healthy soul if we are emotionally unhealthy or immature. What does emotional health look like? Was Jesus... read more

Motions of the Soul

By Dr. Ron Jones
When Leonardo DaVinci painted The Last Supper, he captured the moment in the Upper Room when Jesus turned to His disciples and said, “One... read more

Caring for Your Soul

By Dr. Ron Jones
Ministry is soul care. Our first goal as a church is to participate with God in the saving of souls, based on the idea we are ambassadors... read more

Soul Care

By Dr. Ron Jones
Some people care enough about their body to eat well and exercise. Others care enough about their mind to get a good education and become... read more

Heart Healthy

By Dr. Ron Jones
Jesus said, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart” (Mark 12:30). Jesus had inside out living in mind when He also said, “For... read more

A Healthy Mind

By Dr. Ron Jones
According to the United Negro College Fund, “The mind is a terrible thing to waste.” I could not agree more; I believe in education... read more

Are You Well?

By Dr. Ron Jones
Are you well? I ask that question as a pastor, not a medical doctor. By “well” I mean are you living and loving from a healthy soul and... read more

From the Inside Out

By Dr. Ron Jones
In his book Replenish: Leading from a Healthy Soul, Lance Witt writes, “Godly leadership is always inside out. God always has and always... read more
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“Every detail in our lives of love for God is worked into something good.”

Romans 8:28 MSG