The Shepherd's Song

By Dr. Ron Jones
No words in Scripture are more beloved and reassuring than the Lord is my shepherd(Psalm 23). They begin one of the most classic poems and... read more

Tree or Tumbleweed?

By Dr. Ron Jones
Picture a tree next to a flowing river—tall, strong, deep roots, blooming leaves, fresh fruit. Do you see it clearly? Can you smell it?... read more

What role do we play in our own deliverance from tough times?

By Dr. Ron Jones
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The Blessed Life

By Dr. Ron Jones
I’m going to ask you a straight up question. Do you want to live the blessed life? The answer to that question might seem obvious, but... read more

How can we build our faith on the right foundation?

By Dr. Ron Jones
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Sing a New Song

By Dr. Ron Jones
“Be filled with the Spirit . . . speaking to one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody with your... read more

God's Playlist

So, what’s on your playlist? That’s a popular question we ask each other today. Because one’s taste in music is so personal, my... read more

Cries from the Cross

By Dr. Ron Jones
On a recent trip to the Holy Land, we visited a place called the Mount of the Beatitudes, located on the northern shore of the Sea of... read more

What advice do you have about our music listening choices?

By Dr. Ron Jones
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How do angels affect our lives on earth?

By Dr. Ron Jones
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What is the purpose of miracles?

By Dr. Ron Jones
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In the Presence of God

By Dr. Ron Jones
Coram Deo is a Latin phrase that means “in the presence of God” or “before the face of God.” To live your life coram Deo means to... read more
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“Every detail in our lives of love for God is worked into something good.”

Romans 8:28 MSG