This Is Eternal Life

By Dr. Ron Jones
Can we know what God is really like? Can we know Him personally and worship Him authentically? Or, is God so high and lifted up that He... read more

Higher Than Any Other

By Dr. Ron Jones
Does God seem far from you today? Is He incomprehensible, unapproachable, and unknowable? In one sense, God came near in the person of... read more

What Does God Look Like?

By Dr. Ron Jones
Researchers at the University of North Carolina recently surveyed 511 devout American Christians and asked them this question: What does... read more

A Contemplation of the Divinity

By Dr. Ron Jones
What comes into your mind when you think about God? Your answer to that question might be the most important thing about you. ... read more

Can a believer in Jesus lose his or her salvation?

By Dr. Ron Jones
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Tel Dan: "Return to the Lord Your God!"

By Dr. Ron Jones
Hosea is one of the first Minor Prophets to appear in Israel. The Bible tells us that he was the son of Beeri and that he lived during the... read more

Southern Steps: Guard Your Steps

By Dr. Ron Jones
Travel back in time three thousand years ago. Imagine yourself visiting Jerusalem for one of the annual Jewish festivals. You join the... read more

Cana of Galilee: The Wedding Miracle

By Dr. Ron Jones
One of the joys of pastoral ministry is the opportunity to perform weddings. Weddings are happy occasions that celebrate the loving... read more

Beit She'an: The Rise and Fall of King Saul

By Dr. Ron Jones
The rise and fall of King Saul, recorded in 1 Samuel and 1 Chronicles, is one of the tragic stories of all time. Saul rose to power when... read more

How can we balance grace and truth?

By Dr. Ron Jones
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The 10-10-80 Financial Plan

By Dr. Ron Jones
Give to God first. Pay yourself second. Live off the rest. I call it the 10-10-80 financial plan. I know it works because it’s based on... read more

The New World Order

By Dr. Ron Jones
John F. Kennedy, Mikhail Gorbachev, George H.W. Bush, Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, and Barak Obama. What do these world leaders have in... read more
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“Every detail in our lives of love for God is worked into something good.”

Romans 8:28 MSG