Don't Let Anybody Cancel Your History

By Dr. Ron Jones
First Chronicles begins with a series of genealogies (1-9), and according to 2 Timothy 3:16, “all Scripture is given by inspiration of... read more

Why Do Great Nations Fall?

By Dr. Ron Jones
An organization called Citizens Against Government Waste once aired a thought-provoking television commercial with a futuristic theme. The... read more

Return to God

By Dr. Ron Jones
It is difficult to read the Old Testament book of Second Kings without considering the words written by the apostle Paul centuries later.... read more

United We Stand

By Dr. Ron Jones
“United we stand, divided we fall” is a popular motto used to inspire unity and collaboration. The Latin phrase e pluribus unum,... read more

Good and Pleasant Unity

By Dr. Ron Jones
United we stand, divided we fall. It was a sad day when Israel divided into two kingdoms. Later in Israel’s history, the Jews dispersed... read more

Saul or David?

By Dr. Ron Jones
Walk the streets of Jerusalem today and ask anybody, “Who was Israel’s greatest king?” and most likely they will answer, “David,... read more

Turtle On a Fencepost

By Dr. Ron Jones
During David’s rise to fame, God made a covenant with him as He did with Abraham and his descendants (7:4-17). David wanted to build a... read more

A Trained Conscience

By Dr. Ron Jones
First Samuel 16-31 reads like an action-packed movie script with David keeping one step ahead of Saul’s jealous rage. Twice, David spared... read more

Turning Points

By Dr. Ron Jones
First Samuel marks an important turning point in Israel’s history. They rejected God as their king and demanded a human king like all the... read more

The Big Picture

By Dr. Ron Jones
Robert Silvers is an artist who combined digital technology and photography to create what he calls photomosaic art. A photomosaic is a... read more

Our Glorious Boaz

By Dr. Ron Jones
Charles Hadden Spurgeon, the prince of preachers, once called Jesus "Our Glorious Boaz!" as he thought about the sweet romance between Boaz... read more

Nothing to Do with Luck

By Dr. Ron Jones
Gloom, despair, and agony on me. Deep, dark depression, excessive misery. If it weren’t for bad luck, I’d have no luck at all. Gloom,... read more
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“Every detail in our lives of love for God is worked into something good.”

Romans 8:28 MSG