Who is the greatest man who ever lived? A question like that could spur a long debate among scientists, humanists, business and political leaders, even religious leaders. Of course, you would expect a pastor like me to say, Jesus. 


Arguably, Jesus of Nazareth is the greatest man who ever lived. I say this emphatically, even though Jesus said John the Baptist was the greatest man born among women for the way he served (7:28). Jesus is the greatest, not only because of the way He served humanity but also because He is the perfect God-man, something even the greatest humanist must concede. 


Jesus was not God alone or man alone; He was fully human and fully divine in a unified existence. 


Kasangaki Alfred says:
Our Lord Jesus Christ is above all. No one can ever equal Him. Thanks.
Dickson says:
It baffles me that people would equate Jesus with religious leaders and notable men on Earth. How can you compare a maker with HIS product? This is like asking Satan and God who's stronger? And that is an abomination for any man to think it not to talk of asking. To start with, let us remove the Lord Jesus from this Subject of the greatest man who ever live. Because HE'S more than man. People like King Solomon, Moses, John the Baptist, Mohammad, Confucius, Buddha, Newton, Albert Einstein, etcetera. Yeah! I imagine how the world would have been without them. They were so wise that their words became law, and their law became criteria. They invented so many things and discovered so many things and did all they could to make life better. But. There is always one end to all their heroic efforts. That is " and they Died." And never to rise. Only Our Lord Jesus Christ defeated the death that defeated these men. Solomon needed Jesus to resurrect him. Moses too, John the Baptist. And others will never rise. Surely THE LORD JESUS IS THE GREATEST ONE THAT EVER AND WILL EVER LIVE.
Amir says:
سلام! اینقدر کارت خوبه که میترسم با حرف زدن خرابش کنم! لطفا بیشتر از خدا کمک بخواه و هدایت در مورد شناخت حضرت پیامبر. یادت باشه اون وسط ها یه نسخه خیلی خفن هست تا وقتی به شاه بیت غزل برسیم به اون نت آخر سمفونی الهی خداوند. البته که هنوز هم به اون نت نهایی نرسیدیم مگه نه؟ اما آخرین نت در صفحه پیامبران، انچاست که عشقی ویژه تو انجاست

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“Every detail in our lives of love for God is worked into something good.”

Romans 8:28 MSG