God's Christmas Names

By Dr. Ron Jones
What’s in a name? More than we know if it’s God’s name. In the Bible, God reveals Himself to us by many divine names, most notably... read more

Whatever Happened to Peace On Earth?

By Dr. Ron Jones
A Swedish industrialist and inventor named Alfred Nobel made provision in his will for a peace prize. It's given each year to the world... read more

Prince of Peace

By Dr. Ron Jones
The peaceful hope of every Jew is found in an ancient prophecy found in Isaiah chapter nine. It speaks of a time when a future world leader... read more

Did Someone Steal Your Joy?

By Dr. Ron Jones
“Joy to the world, the Lord is come.” Really? Joy? Did someone or something steal your joy? ... read more

Joy to the World

By Dr. Ron Jones
Joy to the World is the most published Christmas hymn in North America. But it was not originally written as a Christmas hymn. In 1719, an... read more

God So Loved

By Dr. Ron Jones
The gifts of Christmas include God’s love, joy, peace, and hope. What can we say about God’s Christmas love? ... read more

The Gifts of Christmas

By Dr. Ron Jones
Wrap your thoughts around four gifts God gives to us at Christmas, each uniquely expressed at the time of Jesus’s birth. I’m talking... read more

All Kinds of Greed

By Dr. Ron Jones
Actor Michael Douglas once played a wealthy, unscrupulous corporate raider named Gordon Gekko in the acclaimed Hollywood movie Wall Street... read more

Foolish Greed

By Dr. Ron Jones
Jesus once told a story about a rich and greedy fool. He did so reluctantly after finding Himself in the middle of a debate between two... read more

Social Media Envy

By Dr. Ron Jones
Karol Markowicz is a columnist for the New York Post. Recently, she wrote a piece titled, “America’s ugly epidemic of social media... read more

Defeating the Green-eyed Monster

By Dr. Ron Jones
Envy. We call it the “green-eyed monster.” That phrase probably started with Shakespeare when he wrote the tragedy Othello in 1603,... read more

Food Idolatry

By Dr. Ron Jones
During the sixth century, Pope Gregory created a list of seven deadly sins and included gluttony. Does that surprise you? What makes... read more
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“Every detail in our lives of love for God is worked into something good.”

Romans 8:28 MSG