
Troubled by events in the world today, many people are asking, “What on earth is happening?” Pandemics, wars, intense weather patterns, social and political unrest — all stoking fear in our hearts. Did Jesus say anything about the times in which we live and the timing of His return? In this timely series from Matthew 24-25, Dr. Ron Jones examines the prophecies Jesus made two thousand years ago about the end of the age. 


Audio series contains 8 messages


  • Last Days Living
  • Signs the End is Near
  • The Worst of Times On Planet Earth
  • What Angels Wish They Knew
  • The Day Christ Returns
  • The Midnight Cry
  • Faithful to the End
  • The Judgment of the Sheep and the Goats

For a donation of 12.00

“Every detail in our lives of love for God is worked into something good.”

Romans 8:28 MSG