
No portion of Scripture is loved more than the Old Testament book of Psalms. When read with both the head and the heart, the lyrics to these ancient songs help us connect with the passion of God. Dr. Ron Jones leads us through selected Psalms: Ancient Songs that Shape the Heart.

Series contains 11 messages

  • Songs that Shape the Heart
  • The Life God Blesses // Psalm 1
  • The Shepherd’s Song 1 // Psalm 23
  • The Shepherd’s Song 2 // Psalm 23
  • Whom Shall I Fear? // Psalm 27
  • Lord, Get Me Out of This Slimy Pit // Psalm 40
  • Getting to Know God // Psalm 46
  • Have Mercy On Me, O God 1 // Psalm 51
  • Have Mercy On Me, O God 2 // Psalm 51
  • Why Do the Wicked Prosper? // Psalm 73
  • Living By the Book // Psalm 119

For a donation of $16.50 or more, this series will download as audio files into your account where you can retrieve it. 

For a donation of 16.50

“Every detail in our lives of love for God is worked into something good.”

Romans 8:28 MSG