SOS is the international Morse Code distress signal; it also stands for the Song of Solomon, God’s remedy for marriage misery and the place where Dr. Ron Jones unpacks the secrets of a satisfying marriage. There’s nothing new about the art of love, marriage, sex, and romance. An ancient text found in the Bible’s Old Testament contains the wisdom we need for a successful and satisfying marriage.
Audio series contains 9 messages
- How to Write a Silly Love Song
- Building Your Mate’s Self Esteem
- What Is True Love?
- The Fine Art of Dating
- What a Woman Needs from a Man
- What a Man Needs from a Woman
- Resolving Conflict in Your Marriage
- Putting the Sizzle Back in Your Marriage
- Making Love Last Forever
For a donation of $18.00 or more, this series will download as audio files into your account where you can retrieve it.