Go back in time more than two thousand years ago. It’s holy week in Jerusalem. Imagine yourself at a private dinner with Jesus in an undisclosed place located somewhere in the City of David. If, like Jesus, you had less than 24 hours to live, what would you say to your family and friends? Intimacy with Jesus, from John 13-17, explores the conversation our Lord had with His disciples in the upper room hours before He went to the cross.
Audio series contains 10 messages
- Improving Your Serve
- When a Friend Betrays You
- Love and Loyalty
- Freedom from a Troubled Heart
- The Difference the Holy Spirit Makes
- The Secrets of a Fruitful Life
- Turning Your Sorrow into Joy
- Peace in the Midst of Tribulation
- How Jesus Is Praying for You 1
- How Jesus Is Praying for You 2
For a donation of $15 or more, this series will download as audio files into your account where you can retrieve it.