Steve Wick is a special part of our Something Good Radio team, having served as our producer since the beginning. Steve is also a gifted guitarist and music producer. He has recently released this project called Ingrained, recordings of some of his favorite hymns and praise choruses that have been “ingrained” into his faith tradition, including Be Still My Soul and There’s Something About That Name. These beautiful acoustic melodies will quiet your heart and add to your personal worship experience. Playlist includes:
- Be Still My Soul
- Blessed Asurance
- Come Thou Fount
- Hands That Set Me Free
- Oh How He Loves You and Me
- Remember For A While
- Song of Harvest Home
- There's Something About that Neme
- What Really Matters
- You Are My Hiding Place
For a donation of $15 or more, this music will download as 10 audio files into your account where you can retrieve it.