Lost and Found, Part 1

LUKE 15:1-10

Did you know God has a lost and found department bigger than the one at JFK airport in New York City? Think about it. Every human being is either lost or found. Jesus told a famous story about a lost or prodigal son that reminds us of our spiritual lostness, which is the subject of a series Dr. Ron Jones begins today titled, Find Your Way Home. Open your Bible to Luke 15 for today's Something Good Television message titled, "Lost and Found." 

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The Jesus Way to Pray: An Intimate Journey Through the Lord's Prayer

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Do you have a passion to pray? Would you like to learn how to pray with zeal from Someone who mastered the art of divine communication? The disciples asked Jesus, “Lord, teach us to pray,” and He gave them a model for prayer that even a child can learn. In The Jesus Way to Pray, Dr. Ron Jones, a seasoned pastor and radio Bible teacher, invites readers of any age on an intimate journey through the Lord’s Prayer, exploring its power and beauty phrase by phrase.


“Every detail in our lives of love for God is worked into something good.”

Romans 8:28 MSG