I wonder if David was reminiscing about the day when he was anointed king when he wrote Psalm 23:5, saying, “You anoint my head with oil.” Was the former shepherd boy thinking about the time the prophetic oil flowed through his red locks, running down on the collar of his shepherd’s robe?

We can only assume David’s thoughts at that moment, but the connection between the Lord’s prophet anointing David as the next king of Israel and Psalm 23 is worth considering.

For the believer in Jesus Christ, the anointing is the Holy Spirit who flows through us as we follow Jesus. We activate the Spirit’s anointing by yielding to His control, obeying His commands, and walking by faith in all situations (Galatians 5:16).

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“Every detail in our lives of love for God is worked into something good.”

Romans 8:28 MSG