The glory of God is literally a heavy subject. In the Hebrew language, the word translated “glory” means weighty. A slogan from the 1960s comes close to the idea. Have you ever heard somebody say, “That’s heavy, man!”? 


God’s glory is a central theme found in the Old Testament book of Ezekiel. The phrase “the glory of God” appears twelve times in the first eleven chapters and then disappears; it reappears in chapter 43 when God’s glory fills a future temple envisioned by Ezekiel during the millennial reign of Jesus Christ (40-48). 


God’s majestic and manifest presence on display best defines the glory of God, which is the sum of his divine nature, attributes, and creative works. Truly, that’s heavy, man!

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“Every detail in our lives of love for God is worked into something good.”

Romans 8:28 MSG