Science and the Bible
Did you hear about the superconducting super collider experiment happening in Geneva, Switzerland? Two counter rotating beams smashed together millions of high-energy protons traveling at the speed of light. It’s the ultimate science project and it has scientists from around the world sitting on the edge of their seat to the universe.
What’s the point of the super-sized experiment? Apparently scientists are looking for something called the Higgs boson, an undiscovered particle that is necessary for the Standard Model in physics to work. The Higgs boson has another name. Some call it the “God particle.” As one reporter said, “Scientists in Geneva hope that the super collider experiment will shed light on the origin of the universe.”
All of this and more makes the book of Genesis more relevant than tomorrow’s newspaper. As the history book of the universe, Genesis sheds light on the origin of life and so much more.
Genesis is critical to our understanding of so many Christian doctrines including the nature of God, the nature of man, and the nature and consequences of sin. In Genesis we discover the origin and definition of marriage. Could anything be more relevant today? It informs an understanding of work, the weekly day of rest and our relationship to the environment. It explains how death, disease, suffering and bloodshed came into the world. It sheds light on our dark side and the origin of evil. The book of Genesis also establishes the unifying theme of the Bible which is our need for a Savior to redeem us from the penalty and power of sin.
I’m convinced that if we stumble in our understanding of the book of Genesis, we will veer off course in a thousand theological ways.
Genesis is not without controversy. The first ten words of the Bible set the framework for a worldview not everyone accepts. It says, “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth” (Gen. 1:1). Do you believe you are a created being or the product of protoplasmic pond scum that evolved by random chance over millions of years into the complex creature that you are? Well, since you put it that way, right?
Some people say that science and the Bible are at odds with each other. We’ll never get the scientists and the theologians together. Is that true? The truth is that science and Scripture harmonize in the first ten words of the Bible. Let me show you how with a short lesson from high school science.
Scientists tell us that in order to understand how anything forms we need to consider five things. You might want to write these down: time, force, action, space and matter. I know, I know. That sounds about as exciting as watching paint dry. Hang with me. I promise you this gets real exciting. Now go back to Genesis 1:1 and read again how the Bible begins.
In the beginning (time) God (force) created (action) the heavens (space) and the earth (matter).
Isn’t that awesome! The next time you’re tempted to think that science and the Bible don’t mix, consider this: It might just take some time for science to catch up to what God already knows.