Cries from the Cross

By Dr. Ron Jones
On a recent trip to the Holy Land, we visited a place called the Mount of the Beatitudes, located on the northern shore of the Sea of... read more

What advice do you have about our music listening choices?

By Dr. Ron Jones
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How do angels affect our lives on earth?

By Dr. Ron Jones
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What is the purpose of miracles?

By Dr. Ron Jones
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In the Presence of God

By Dr. Ron Jones
Coram Deo is a Latin phrase that means “in the presence of God” or “before the face of God.” To live your life coram Deo means to... read more

How do we overcome the powers of darkness?

By Dr. Ron Jones
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Winning the War Within

By Dr. Ron Jones
I love Frank’s honesty in the popular Frank and Ernest cartoon. One day the friends were talking to a priest when Frank blurted out,... read more

Why Robinson Crusoe Was Miserable in Paradise

A young, obstinate Englishman once ignored his father’s wish to become a member of the clergy, choosing instead a life at sea. Soon after... read more

What are the benefits of prayer?

By Dr. Ron Jones
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Building or Wrecking Crew?

By Dr. Ron Jones
Some churches thrive and others do not. There are many reasons why. For sure, a "bite and devour" church will never soar to the heights God... read more

How do you explain Peter's transformation after he denied Jesus?

By Dr. Ron Jones
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How can Christians become more fearless when sharing their faith?

By Dr. Ron Jones
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“Every detail in our lives of love for God is worked into something good.”

Romans 8:28 MSG