Qumran: The Case for the Bible

By Dr. Ron Jones
Have you ever played the telephone game? Here’s how it works. I whisper a message in your ear and then you turn to whisper it into the... read more

Golden Rule

By Dr. Ron Jones
Versions of the so-called golden rule are found in most major world religions. For example, Confucius says, "What you do not want done to... read more


By Dr. Ron Jones
Acronyms appear every day in our conversations. For example, when texting, LOL means "laugh out loud" and BFF means "best friends forever."... read more

Here Comes the Judge

By Dr. Ron Jones
They study every move you make. They consider it their job to form an opinion about you and spread it around like manure. They collect... read more


By Dr. Ron Jones
Tolerance seems to be the highest ethic some people shoot for today. If they had their way, political correctness would rule the day. But... read more

Seek First

By Dr. Ron Jones
"Therefore, I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more... read more

Worry Wart

By Dr. Ron Jones
"Don't worry, be happy!" Sounds easy enough, doesn't it? But worry is a real struggle for a lot of people. They wring their hands, fret... read more

Mt. Arbel: As Far As the Eye Can See

By Dr. Ron Jones
Climb to the top of Mt. Arbel (1,000 feet above the Plain of Gennesaret) and you feel like you’re at the top of the world, overlooking... read more

The Lord's Prayer

By Dr. Ron Jones
"Our Father in heaven, hallowed be Your name. Your kingdom come. Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily... read more

Pray the Jesus Way

By Dr. Ron Jones
"And when you pray . . ." (Matthew 6:5). Jesus had a few things to say about how not to pray before he gave his disciples a model for... read more

When You Give

By Dr. Ron Jones
Which statement best describes your attitude toward money? ... read more

Born Again to Reproduce

By Dr. Ron Jones
Infertility is a scary word for many couples that want to have children. Shortly after we married, Cathryn and I had a hard time getting... read more
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“Every detail in our lives of love for God is worked into something good.”

Romans 8:28 MSG