Watergate Proves Christianity

By Dr. Ron Jones
Chuck Colson went to prison for his involvement in Watergate, the Washington DC scandal that led to the resignation of President Richard... read more

The Reason for Our Hope

By Dr. Ron Jones
First Peter three and verse fifteen says, “But in your hearts honor Christ the Lord as holy, always being prepared to make a defense to... read more

For One Lifetime

By Dr. Ron Jones
One man with one woman for one lifetime. That’s God’s definition of marriage and He’s sticking to it. But whatever happened to the... read more

Making Love Last Forever

By Dr. Ron Jones
Is it really possible for love and marriage to last for a lifetime? Is the biblical model of one man with one woman for one lifetime still... read more

A Marriage Like Fine Wine

By Dr. Ron Jones
Open a can of soda pop and you’ll hear that familiar sound. That’s when millions of carbon dioxide molecules burst out of their sweet,... read more

A Marriage that Sizzles

By Dr. Ron Jones
“Sell the sizzle not the steak!” That’s the advice I received years ago when I worked in corporate sales and marketing. It means that... read more

A Peaceful Marriage

By Dr. Ron Jones
There are three kinds of people in life and marriage: peacekeepers, peacemakers, and troublemakers. Which one are you? Jesus said,... read more

When the Honeymoon is Over

By Dr. Ron Jones
What happens when the honeymoon is over? Do you know how to resolve conflict in your marriage? It starts by understanding that conflict is... read more

The Steamiest Book in the Bible

By Dr. Ron Jones
Chapter 4 of the Song of Solomon is the place where this ancient love song earns its reputation for being the steamiest book in the Bible.... read more

Can We Talk About Sex?

By Dr. Ron Jones
Money, sex, and politics. Three taboo subjects in the church. Can we talk? It’s time for the church to reclaim the ground the devil has... read more

Men and Women

By Dr. Ron Jones
Love is a mysterious thing for the simple reason that men and women are so different. Years ago, John Grey wrote a best-selling book that... read more

A Woman's Greatest Need

By Dr. Ron Jones
At the risk of generalizing too much, I believe a man’s greatest need is for significance and a woman’s greatest need is for security.... read more
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“Every detail in our lives of love for God is worked into something good.”

Romans 8:28 MSG