Can Religions Really COEXIST?

By Dr. Ron Jones
I’m sure you’ve seen the bumper sticker that reads COEXIST. The uncomplicated design communicates the idea that all religions are... read more

Cafeteria Religion

By Dr. Ron Jones
Some people practice cafeteria religion. Are you one of them? Do you take your main course from Christianity but then try an appetizer from... read more

Voltaire's Bible

By Dr. Ron Jones
The Bible is the most attacked and maligned book ever. Like a champion heavyweight fighter, God’s word has taken punch after punch, round... read more

Seamless Unity

By Dr. Ron Jones
Farmers, fishermen, priests, physicians, politicians, kings, and shepherds ― God used people from various backgrounds to pen his book... read more

Jesus the Son of God

By Dr. Ron Jones
Unique to Christianity is the doctrine that says Jesus is the Son of God. Do you believe that He is? Many religions respect Jesus but they... read more

Who Is Jesus?

By Dr. Ron Jones
How would you answer the question, “Who is Jesus?” No person in history has provoked more discussion, study, critique, or devotion as... read more

Evolutionary Theory

By Dr. Ron Jones
The theory of evolution is man’s way of explaining the universe apart from God. Quite frankly, it takes a lot of faith to believe it was... read more

Darwin's Concession Letter

By Dr. Ron Jones
“I am quite conscious that my speculations run beyond the bounds of true science . . . It is a mere rag of an hypothesis with as many... read more

The Origin of Life

By Dr. Ron Jones
Life is more complex than any of us can possibly imagine. The universe itself could not have formed the way it did without certain... read more

CSI: Is God Real?

By Dr. Ron Jones
Is God real? The answer to that question is elementary to some. “The fool says in his heart there is no God” (Psalm 14:1). But others... read more

Watergate Proves Christianity

By Dr. Ron Jones
Chuck Colson went to prison for his involvement in Watergate, the Washington DC scandal that led to the resignation of President Richard... read more

The Reason for Our Hope

By Dr. Ron Jones
First Peter three and verse fifteen says, “But in your hearts honor Christ the Lord as holy, always being prepared to make a defense to... read more
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“Every detail in our lives of love for God is worked into something good.”

Romans 8:28 MSG