Ephesians: Basic Christianity

By Dr. Ron Jones
Imagine a magnificent Mediterranean metropolis and a populous destination known as the Queen City of Asia, located on the west coast of... read more

Galatians: Freedom from Religion

By Dr. Ron Jones
Patrick Henry’s words rang forth from St. John’s Church in Richmond, Virginia, on March 23, 1775, as he closed his speech to the Second... read more

Second Corinthians: A Defense of Ministry

By Dr. Ron Jones
Vocational ministry is not for the faint-hearted, which is why God’s call must be settled in the heart of a pastor or missionary.... read more

Making Great the Lord's Name

By Dr. Ron Jones
Malachi’s was the last prophetic voice the people of God heard in the Old Testament as a prelude to four hundred years of divine silence.... read more

What would you say to someone who thinks God can't or won't use them because of their past mistakes?

By Dr. Ron Jones
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What practical lessons about faith does the book of Habakkuk teach us?

By Dr. Ron Jones
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The Man Who Carried Jesus's Cross

By Dr. Ron Jones
Simon of Cyrene is famous for being the man who carried Jesus’s cross. However, we don’t know much about Simon other than what Matthew,... read more

First Corinthians: Body Life

By Dr. Ron Jones
The state of California is known for sunshine, surfing, and Beach Boys music, which made us “wish they all could be California girls.”... read more

Real Due Process

By Dr. Ron Jones
Let’s play Jeopardy! The category is Roman Mythology for $100. She wears a blindfold and holds a set of scales in one hand. If you... read more

Acts: You Shall Be My Witnesses

By Dr. Ron Jones
Wall Street investors often hunt for the next start-up company that might explode in growth and yield huge profits. In the tech world, for... read more

Romans: The Christian Manifesto

By Dr. Ron Jones
Approaching the book of Romans on the ultimate road trip through the Bible reminds me of a Jones family vacation. Years ago, Cathryn and I... read more

Acts: You Shall Be My Witnesses

By Dr. Ron Jones
Wall Street investors often hunt for the next start-up company that might explode in growth and yield huge profits. In the tech world, for... read more
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“Every detail in our lives of love for God is worked into something good.”

Romans 8:28 MSG