The Ultimate Meaning of Life

By Dr. Ron Jones
In the Old Testament book of Ecclesiastes, Solomon travels eleven long and sometimes despairing chapters to arrive at his conclusion about... read more

Mr. Worldly Wiseman

By Dr. Ron Jones
Mr. Worldly Wiseman is a character in John Bunyan’s classic allegory of the Christian life called The Pilgrim’s Progress. He counsels... read more

Counsel from Heaven

By Dr. Ron Jones
Two wrongs don’t make a right. ... read more

Fuel Up Your Soul

By Dr. Ron Jones
A psalm is a prayer or poem put to music as a spiritual song or hymn. The sacred collection of psalms in the Old Testament is God’s... read more

Why Praise God?

By Dr. Ron Jones
C.S. Lewis read Psalms and wondered why the God of the Bible required His people to praise Him. Does the Lord Almighty possess a big ego... read more

The Patience of Suffering

By Dr. Ron Jones
The space between our limited human knowledge and God’s infinite wisdom leaves room for faith, which God highly values (Hebrews 11:6) and... read more

You Are Not Alone

By Dr. Ron Jones
Why do bad things happen to good people? One of the oldest books in the Bible addresses this age-old question about suffering. ... read more

God Behind the Scenes

By Dr. Ron Jones
TBD read more

For Such a Time as This

By Dr. Ron Jones
The demonstration of divine providence in the book of Esther is breathtaking and leaves me wonderstruck. Esther’s story teaches us about... read more

Grit for the Tough Times

By Dr. Ron Jones
Nehemiah modeled persistence in the face of great opposition, which is necessary when building a better life. Do you have enough grit to... read more

Building a Better Life

By Dr. Ron Jones
Broken lives. Broken dreams. How can we build a better life for ourselves and our families? Ask Nehemiah, God’s man to rebuild the broken... read more

Fount of Many Blessings

By Dr. Ron Jones
A barber’s apprentice named Robert Robinson was living in London when he had, according to one author, “associated with a notorious... read more
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“Every detail in our lives of love for God is worked into something good.”

Romans 8:28 MSG