Does God Hear Our Prayers?

By Dr. Ron Jones
Does God hear and answer prayers? At the risk of oversimplifying the way prayer works, I suggest the following general categories of divine... read more

Common Temptation

By Dr. Ron Jones
One day cartoon characters Frank and Ernest were talking to a priest when Frank blurted out, “How come opportunity knocks once but... read more

Deliver Us from Evil

By Dr. Ron Jones
Studying the Jesus way to pray feels like we are skipping across glorious mountain peaks in stunning Colorado. After we ascend the glory of... read more

A Gracious Prayer

By Dr. Ron Jones
Jesus taught us to pray, “And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors” (Matthew 6:12). This part of the Lord’s prayer is... read more

A Gospel Prayer

By Dr. Ron Jones
Jesus taught us to pray, “And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors” (Matthew 6:12). This part of the Lord’s prayer is... read more

Praying for Provision

By Dr. Ron Jones
A reproduction of Eric Enstrom’s photograph of Charles Wilden, taken during World War II, hung on the wall in my grandparent’s dining... read more

Your Ultimate Source

By Dr. Ron Jones
The poet wrote, "Back of the loaf is the snowy flour, and back of the flour, the mill. And back of the mill is the field of wheat, the... read more

All Hail King Jesus

By Dr. Ron Jones
I ... read more

Praying with Priority

By Dr. Ron Jones
Setting priorities is part of what makes some people more successful than others. A priority is something we give special attention, ahead... read more

Prayer Training Wheels

By Dr. Ron Jones
Like most kids, I learned to ride a bicycle with training wheels. I still remember my first bike, a Flamboyant red Schwinn Pixie with... read more

Elevate Your Praying

By Dr. Ron Jones
“Hallowed be your name” (Matthew 6:10). ... read more

May the Real Force Be with You

By Dr. Ron Jones
What do Luke Skywalker, Hans Solo, and Princess Leia have in common with Greek philosophers and Christmas? More than you imagine. ... read more
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“Every detail in our lives of love for God is worked into something good.”

Romans 8:28 MSG