Preparing the Tablelands

By Dr. Ron Jones
“You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies.” In Psalm 23:5, David reflects on his experience as a shepherd, preparing... read more

The Shepherd's Staff

By Dr. Ron Jones
Every shepherd has at least two tools—a rod and a staff—that help him skillfully lead and care for his sheep (Psalm 23:4). The symbol... read more

The Rod of God

By Dr. Ron Jones
Every shepherd has at least two tools—a rod and a staff—that help him skillfully lead and care for his sheep. The shepherd’s rod was... read more

Getting Through Death Valley

By Dr. Ron Jones
Death Valley is a land of extremes located in eastern California. It is also home to Wile E. Coyote and the Road Runner, iconic characters... read more

Even Though I Walk

By Dr. Ron Jones
Psalm 23 pictures the biblical life of faith, including the walk through the valley of the shadow of death. Sometimes we refer to our... read more

Spiritual Rest

By Dr. Ron Jones
The Lord is our good shepherd who satisfies our need for rest and nourishment. This idea runs throughout the pages of Holy Scripture. For... read more

He Makes Me Lie Down

By Dr. Ron Jones
Taking time to lie down in God’s green pasture is a discipline that we, the sheep of God’s pasture, must practice. ... read more

Satisfaction Guaranteed

By Dr. Ron Jones
Psalm 23 is among the best-loved chapters in the Bible. It is shorter than Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address, which is only 272 words and... read more

My Shepherd

By Dr. Ron Jones
The most striking word at the beginning of Psalm 23 is the personal pronoun “my,” which is the first of twenty-eight personal pronouns... read more

The Sheep of God's Pasture

By Dr. Ron Jones
Why does the Bible compare God’s people to sheep instead of lions, tigers, or bears? I would rather be a sleek cheetah than a wooly... read more

The Good Shepherd

By Dr. Ron Jones
Nothing pictures God’s relationship with His people better than a shepherd and his sheep. The shepherd’s staff could have been... read more

The Time is Near

By Dr. Ron Jones
While imprisoned on the island of Patmos, John “bore witness to the word of God and to the testimony of Jesus Christ” (1:2) and wrote... read more
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“Every detail in our lives of love for God is worked into something good.”

Romans 8:28 MSG