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Sardis: The Dead Church, Part 2

In our vocation, in our relationships, and in our walk with Christ, experience very often leads to complacency. In Revelation chapter three, Jesus dictates a letter to the church at Sardis. Although the church had a good public reputation, the Lord knew most of its members had grown complacent. Sardis was a dead church, but as you’ll see today, the news wasn’t all bad. Stay with us now as Ron moves ahead in his teaching series, “Ready For His Return,” based on Revelation chapters 1-3.  

Sardis: The Dead Church, Part 1

It may be nice to have a good public image. But ultimately, you’re not defined by what people think you are, but by what God says you are. The Testament church in Sardis had something of a good reputation. By all appearances, it was vibrant and alive. But Jesus saw through the façade and in Revelation chapter three He calls them a dead church. What did He mean by that proclamation? What are the traits of a lifeless church? Ron has answers next, as he continues his teaching series, “Ready for His Return,” based on Revelation chapters 1-3.

Thyatira: The Corrupt Church, Part 2

In our last broadcast, Ron took us to Revelation chapter two and to the words Jesus said to the church at Thyatira. Ron has more to say on that subject coming up next, but he also shares a practical application, and a word of caution, for all of us who call ourselves believers in Christ. Stay with us now as Ron moves ahead in his teaching series, “Ready for His Return,” based on Revelation chapters 1-3.  

Thyatira: The Corrupt Church, Part 1

In our lives, our homes, even our churches, things are not always what they seem. The church at Thyatira looked fine from the outside.  But something was lurking beneath the surface, and Jesus made it a point to confront it. First, He offers some kind and encouraging words about the things they had done well. But what Jesus says next may surprise you, and it’s definitely worth a listen. Stay with us now as Ron moves ahead in his teaching series, “Ready For His Return,” based on Revelation chapters 1-3.

Pergamum: The Compromising Church, Part 2

Today, Ron returns to the book of Revelation and a letter written to the church at Pergamum. They had begun to compromise the Word of God, and Jesus strongly admonished them. As you follow along today, see what similarities you may find between Pergamum and the church here in twenty-first-century America.  

Pergamum: The Compromising Church, Part 1

Sometimes in life you have to compromise. In marriage. In friendship. On the job. But there’s a time to meet halfway, and a time to stand your ground. In the book of Revelation, the church at Pergamum had begun to compromise the Word of God. Its members encountered some false teaching, and they decided to go along, to get along. Today, Ron examines what Jesus had to say to them and how we can apply it to our own Christian experience.  

Smyrna: The Persecuted Church, Part 2

Here in America, the church has begun to suffer, if not outright persecution, at least some degree of prejudice. Might it get worse in our lifetime? The short answer is yes, the treatment of Bible-believing Christians here at home may very well grow worse in the coming years. With that in mind, Ron has three critical lessons to teach us today as he continues his teaching series, “Ready For His Return,” based on Revelation chapters 1-3.   

Smyrna: The Persecuted Church, Part 1

Here in America, we hear the stories of Christians being persecuted or killed for their faith all over the world. Could something like that happen in the United States? Today, Ron takes us to the second of seven letters written to the churches in the book of Revelation. It’s a sobering letter to the church at Smyrna, telling them they are about to suffer great persecution for their faith. Could something like that ever take place here at home? Find out next, as Ron continues his teaching series, “Ready For His Return,” based on Revelation chapters 1-3.  

Ephesus: The Loveless Church, Part 2

Love God. Love people. These two commandments comprise the entirety of God’s Law. The church at Ephesus was doing a lot of things right back in the First Century. This body of believers was committed to the truth of the Gospel, and they worked hard to share it with the world. But the Lord had one thing against them, and, as you’ll see today, it was a pretty big problem! Stay with us now as Ron moves ahead in his teaching series, “Ready For His Return,” based on Revelation chapters 1 to 3.  

Ephesus: The Loveless Church, Part 1

If Jesus wrote a letter to your home church, what might He say? Today, Ron takes us to the book of Revelation, and to the first of seven letters to the seven churches in First Century Asia Minor. First on the list is the church at Ephesus, for which Jesus had both praise and criticism. As you follow along today, see if you find any similarities between the church at Ephesus, and the church you attend at home.  

The Glorified Jesus, Part 2

Now, we see through a glass darkly, but then: face to face. The world got a glimpse of Jesus Christ two thousand years ago.  He was Divine but also fully human, and, for our sake, He temporarily emptied Himself of the full weight of His glory. But one day we will see Him as He truly is, the glorified Jesus coming in the clouds to set things right once and for all. Stay with us now as Ron continues his teaching series, “Ready for His Return,” based on Revelation chapters 1 to 3. 

The Glorified Jesus, Part 1

No one knows the day or the hour in which Jesus Christ will return. But we’re closer to it now than we were yesterday! You know, the Bible tells us that Christ will return soon. Even two thousand years ago, in the book of Revelation, the Apostle John says the Lord’s Second Coming is near. Ron sheds some light on this seeming contradiction next, as he moves ahead in his teaching series, “Ready for His Return.”  

The Blessed Hope, Part 2

All over the world, believers in Christ look forward to His future return. But between this day and that, we need to be going about the business of being ready for His return. How can we do it? Find out next, as Ron moves ahead in his teaching series, “Ready for His Return.”  

The Blessed Hope, Part 1

Right before He ascended into heaven, Jesus promised He would one day return. As believers in Christ, we look forward to that great and glorious day. We desire His return, we’re excited about it, the question is, are we ready for it? Over the next few weeks, Ron shows us what it looks like to be ready for the Lord’s Second Coming, as he shares his teaching series, “Ready For His Return, based on Revelation chapters 1 to 3.”